A chin implant is a surgical procedure used to augment the size of the chin and give it a more defined shape. It is also known as chin augmentation or mentoplasty. Fellowship-trained facial plastic and reconstructive surgeon Dr. Tripathi performs Chin implant surgery in Livermore, CA, to give Pleasanton and San Ramon-area.

The implants are usually placed through a small incision made under the chin. The implant is then secured to the jawbone and the incision is closed up.

How long does it take?

The chin implant procedure typically takes around an hour to perform and is done under general anesthesia.

What are the recovery and downtime like?

After surgery, patients may experience some swelling and bruising, as well as some mild discomfort. The swelling and bruising should subside after a few days while the discomfort should resolve after a week or two.

Chin implants can be used to balance out facial features, improve a weak or receding chin, create a stronger jawline, and improve the overall look of the face. It can also help to reduce the appearance of a double chin or excess fat in the chin area

Interested in learning more about Chin Implant surgery in Livermore or meeting with Dr. Tripathi? Please request a consultation online or call (925) 579-2510. We look forward to hearing from you.


Watch Dr. Prem Tripathi talk about what a chin implant is and answer some of the most common questions.

Get a detailed look at a chin implant surgery performed by Dr. Prem Tripathi.

WARNING: This video is a surgical procedure intended for educational purposes. Blood can be seen in this video.


Confidence should never be beyond your reach. Silhouette is proud to offer financing options through Enhance Patient Finance, a lending program that can help make your procedure more accessible.


Confidence should never be beyond your reach. Silhouette is proud to offer financing options through Enhance Patient Finance, a lending program that can help make your procedure more accessible.

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Silhouette Aesthetics

101 E. Vineyard Ave, Suite #103

Livermore, CA 94550

Phone: (925) 579-2510

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